Friday, June 1, 2007

WoW Macros

These are mostly for my own benefit, in case I'm playing on my laptop and need my macros.

Get Ready
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Conjure Water; [modifier:alt] conjure food; [modifier:shift] conjure mana emerald
/castsequence [nomodifier] reset=60 conjure water, conjure water, conjure mana emerald, conjure food, conjure food, evocation

This is a one-button food/water/gem macro. If you hold down ctrl while clicking it casts, if you hold down alt it casts food, with shift it casts mana emeralt (you'll want to change that if your spell is different).
If you don't hold down a modifier, it's a cast-sequence of water, water (makes 20), mana emerald, food, food (makes 20), and evocation. It will reset after a minute.

/use [modifier:shift] Hearthstone; [modifier:alt] Swift Palomino; [flyable] Swift Red Gryphon; Swift Palomino

This will cast my (epic) flying mount if I'm in a place I can use it (ie. Outland), otherwise it will cast my ground mount. If you hold down shift it will cast Hearthstone, and alt overrides to the horse.

/focus [target=focus, noexists]
/focus [target=focus, dead]
/focus [modifier:shift]
/s Polymorphing >%f<! Watch for it!
/castrandom [target=focus] Polymorph: Pig, Polymorph

This will focus my current target if my focus is dead or doesn't exist or if I hold down shift while clicking. It then makes an announcement of what I'm doing, and polymorphs my focus.

Ice Block
/me is now a block of ice! Watch for disgruntled mobs!
/cast Ice Block

I like to let people know when I do this because it will wipe my aggro. My paladin companion likes it when we're duoing instances because she knows she can shield herself and not worry about me.

/target eye
/cast Fire Blast

If you've ever done undead Stratholme, this is for you. Usually takes out the Eye in one shot.

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